About Us

Dream is not what you see in sleep, dream is something which doesn’t let you sleep”. Like this immortal quote by APJ Abul Kalam, Saleh Md. Abdullah, Founder of history club, started his 2017 with a conflictual nexus between dream and sleep. A strong determination made him feel that this dream must meet the reality and this stimulation drove him to search for some dreamers. The number of dreamers came to ten, and thus it turned to a team.

There is a proverb that many a little, makes a pickle. Thus in June 2017, started a new journey of making one’s dream to ten’s dream. To chase their dream, 10 dreamers made their first meeting at biology department, University of Chittagong. And story of CUHC begins here. Those dreamers started to think about motto, mission, structure of club. In a point of discussion, everyone warmly accepted the motto “Think Different, Do Different, Live Different” by Nuruddin Fahad. A long time plan about club from the founder Saleh Md. Abdullah granted as mission and everybody accepted his designed logo as well. After more than 10 meetings in 3 months dream came true, Chittagong University History Club got official establishment in 22 August, 2017.

From the very beginning honorable syndicate member of Chittagong University Dr. Muhammad Shakhawat Hossain Sir expand his support to History Club. As well as Associate professor of Islamic History and Culture Department Honorable Dr. Morshed Alam Sir, Dr. Ahsanul Kabir Sir and Assistant Professor Tasnuva Rahman Madam are our greatest supportive advisor. 



Our Vision
1. Represent history in a favorable way to young generation
2. Enable club members to face the challenge of corporate life
Our Mision
  • Monthly workshop
  • Quarterly seminar
  • Annual magazine publication
  • Two grooming session per month for skill development of members
  • Write review on history based book to enrich knowledge about history
  • Group work on historical place and site and make documentary on them
  • Arrange feature and article witting competition to inspire research work